Friday 16 March 2012

Creating the bouncing ball I used the standard primitive sphere from the standard options avaliable.I used set key for this animation.I firstly clicked the set key button at the bottom of the page.I then moved the ball into the position I wanted it to jump to.I then clicked the key button next to set key to set the movement.

"Curve Editor is a Track View mode that allows you to work with motion expressed as function curves on a graph. It lets you visualize the interpolation of the motion, and the object transformations that the software creates between the keyframes. You can easily see and control the motion and animation of the objects in the scene using tangent handles on the keys found on the curves.
The Curve Editor interface consists of a menu bar, a toolbar, a Controller window, and a Key window. There is also a time ruler, and navigation and status tools at the bottom of the interface. "
3DS Max Tutorial - Basic Animation Techniques ,2006.[Online]
Avaliable at:
[Accessed 16 March 2012].


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